Griffon is currently in 1.0 release
Current Features
Decryption Side
- Multiple character length frequency counts (up to 6 chars long)
- Multi-char substitutions (up to 6)
- Non-balanced substitution permitted
(ig 'DA' can be replaced with 'Elfboy')
- Plaintext and Cyphertext manipulation tools (Capitals, Characters only, etc..)
- Cribing Input for substitution
- Saveable Notepad for scribbling notes, analyzing text...
Encryption Side
- Non-characters kept but not encrypted unless desired. (ig spaces, periods)
- Shift Cipher (1-25 positions)
- Multi-char Substitution Cipher (up to 6)
- Random Substitution Key Generation
(single char only)
- Playfair Cipher
Upcoming features
- Baconian Cipher
- Polyalphabetic